Best Telegram Bots to Try in 2025!!

Today we are going to talk about Best Telegram Bots to Try in 2025, most of you might ask what is telegram Bot now as we all know telegram is an open-source application where third-party developers can play around with its features, and Telegram bots are developed by using the same platform which is a small program that runs inside telegram and enables automation and today in this article I am going to show you eight unique telegram Bots which will help you to automate your server work and also reduce dependency on several bulky apps as well so without any further delay let’s start to know The Best Telegram Bots to Try in 2025.

01. IPapkornBot

The first bot in our list is IPapkornBot, this bot is very handy for those who want to watch movies or web series for free, I know you will say you will join a group and download the movie you want to watch but in those groups, you have to follow several steps to download the movie but in this bot, the process is very straight forward you just have to go to the search options search for IPapkornBot and select this option, where it is mentioned as a bot and it will open the IPapkornBot click on start now you can see you have four options here the first option is to search inline through this.

You can search for a movie you want to watch the second option is hot movies, this option will auto-generate the list of movies and web series which are currently trending. Info about this bot will give you the “details about this bot” and if you are happy with the developer of this bot you can also donate if you want. By selecting the fourth option.

Now let’s check whether this bot is working or not and for that we will click on the first option which is search inline now We’ll see as You click on it, It’ll ask for a movie or web series name, let’s search for “ RRR (Rise Roar Revolt)”, or any other Movies or we series like “K.G.F: Chapter 2” and click on send it might ask you to join their channel as well do that and again type “RRR (Rise Roar Revolt)”, or any other Movies or we series like “K.G.F: Chapter 2” and send this message nowhere you can see whatever the web series or movie which contain the third word are available here now you just check the correct name of movie or web series which you want to download and click on it it will directly give you a link to download the movie no ads no external links and easy way to watch movie or web series without any app.

02. Direct Link Generator Bot

The next bot in our list is Direct Link Generator Bot this bot is very useful when you want to download an audio or video file from those websites where download links are not available also when you try to download a video file from a telegram group you might face slowness due to some download restriction in that all situations you can use this bot and this bot will help you to create a temporary download link through which you can download or share with someone else so that they can also download the same file.

Best Telegram Bots To Try Out In 2022

And again you have to follow the same steps go to the search option in telegram and search for Direct Link Generator Bot click on this bot option and it will take you to the bot click on start now this bot is ready you just have to paste the link of audio or video file which you want to download in this message box, for example, I Want to download a Video from Any Other Telegram Groups or channel, then I’ll forward that message to this Bot and then we’ll click on send and You’ll see There the download link is ready click on it to see the link and then click on open now this will get downloaded and if you want to see the list of websites that this bot support click on the menu and then click on supported sites you have the whole list of websites from which you can download the audio and video files.

03. Temp Mail

Now moving to the next bot which will actually help you to protect your mail inbox from getting full with spam email and newsletters for example whenever you go to any website or an application it will always ask you to update your email id now if you are going to use this website or app for a longer time you can use your permanent email id so that you can track your activity now consider a situation where you will use an app or website for few instances or you do not want to reveal your identity for those such situations.

You can use this bot to create a temporary email id where it also allows you to receive emails and you can delete this email id whenever you want, so again let’s go to telegram and search for temp mailbox click on this icon, and from the open window again click on start it will give you five options and the first one is created which will help you to create a new temporary email id from history you can check the list of all email ids created and their status the third one is the language which will allow you to select your desired language and if you want any support from the admin you can use the last two options.

Best Telegram Bots To Try Out In 2022

Now let’s click on create and You’ll see, a new email id now Available to Use Anywhere. Suppose You Want To check whether this mail id is working or not Check This By Sending A mail from Your personal Mail id to This Id. In that case, You’ll see that you received the mail here in the bot itself, or you can click on this link which will take you to the inbox also the below-created email id we have two options now if You have to delete this email id You’ll have to click on the first option simply. Here we have received a message saying your email address was deleted.

04. Text To OCR

And the next bot in our list is an image-to-text OCR (Optical Character Recognition) bot which ideally helps you to extract text from an image or unreadable pdf you can also translate the extracted text into other languages as well so first go to telegram and search for an image to text OCR. and click on this bot option and from the open window click on start this bot is now ready for use to upload an image to check whether this bot is working or not and for that, You have to upload Any File Which contains Text in that to the bot and click on send three seconds you have the extracted text here now if you want to translate a document into a different language.

Best Telegram Bots To Try Out In 2022

You need to know the language code that this bot will accept and for that click on the menu and tap on the help now this will give you the whole list of languages in which you can translate the text with language code now if the same file I want to translate into German then We have to use the code again select the image and in caption type the language code, now it will extract the text in the original language that is English and below that, you have the German translation as well a handy bot for everyone and for all these features you do not have to watch any ad or no need to install any app so must try this bot.

05. Pdf Bot

And the next bot in our list is Pdf Bot this bot can do a lot of pdf-related things and to know more about this bot let’s go to telegram and search for Pdf Bot now select this option and from the open window click on start now from this message tap on help and here we have the whole list of actions you can do with this bot like……

  1. Compare between pdf files.
  2. Merge several pdf pages into a single.
  3. Pdf file convert.
  4. Combine multiple images into video files.
  5. Create pdf files from the text message or
  6. Add a watermark to any pdf files.
Best Telegram Bots To Try Out In 2022

And for example, let’s convert a text message into a pdf so first click on the text and then here We will write some text messages like “Best Telegram Bots to Try in 2025″, Now send this message and if you want to add any particular font you can also do that, And After A few seconds, You’ll Get your Pdf File In Which Text message i.e. “Best Telegram Bots to Try in 2025″ is finally converted into Pdf.

06. QR Code Bot

The next bot in our list is QR Code Bot this bot ideally helps you to convert a text into a QR code and text can be anything a secret message which you want to send to your friend a web link or even your Wi-Fi password you just have to enter the text and for this also first we have to go to telegram and search for QR Code Bot select the appropriate option and click on start now you just have to type in your message for which you want to create a QR code so here I’m typing ” Best Telegram Bots to Try in 2025″ and send now You’ll see both generated Qr code for the message which we have sent now if Anyone scans this code it will directly take you to “Best Telegram Bots to Try in 2025″ You can also save this QR code to Your gallery and open google lens search and here you can see this Qr code is actually for my “Best Telegram Bots to Try in 2025”.

Best Telegram Bots To Try Out In 2022.

07. Gaming Bot

Now moving to the next bot which is a gaming bot that ideally helps you to place several small games inside the telegram without installing any application the best part of this bot are you can play this game with your friends who all are available on the telegram so for this also first we have to search for Gaming Bot on telegram select this option and once the bot is open click on start and here we have the list of games which you can play on telegram and here I am selecting 99 blocks game for demo purpose and now You’ll see we have two options play solo or with friends so when you click on friends it will take you to the telegram contact list to select the list of friends with whom you want to play this game.

Best Telegram Bots To Try Out In 2022.

08. SearchyBot

And the last Not The Least bot in our list is SearchyBot this bot will help you to find the best channel that is available on Telegram so as you click on start in bot, it will ask you to select your language now it will give you the whole list of categories of the channel which are available on telegram and if the category is not available in the list for which you are searching the group or channel;

Click On search manually as You’ll see there it’ll ask You to type the category name but for the demo let’s select the sport from the available category and here you can see we have the whole list of channels that are related to sports with the number of subscribers as well which will help you to join the most active channel on the telegram.

Best Telegram Bots To Try In 2022.


So this was the list of “Best Telegram Bots to Try in 2025″ that you should try to reduce dependency on the several bulky apps which you have installed on your phone also if you are aware of such bots do let me know in the comment section I will try to include in my following Articles with your name give a thumbs up in the Comments Box if you enjoyed this article. And share with your Friends and Loved Ones. Do not forget to subscribe to our Newsletter for more awaiting Such Articles.

Also Read

Thanks for Reading Out This Article “Best Telegram Bots to Try in 2025″.

What Is The Full Form Of QR Code?

QR stands For Quick Response.

How To Use Telegram Bot?

In Order to Use a Telegram bot Firstly Download And install Telegram on your Phone or pc and follow the above-Mentioned Steps To Use The Bot. After Reading the article “Best Telegram Bots to Try in 2025” You will be able to know How to use Telegram Bot.

What Is Telegram Bot?

Now as we all know telegram is an open-source application where third-party developers can play around with its features, and telegram bots are developed by using the same platform which is a small program that runs inside telegram and enables automation

What Is the Full Form Of OCR?

OCR Stands For Optical Character Recognition

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